Professional Dowsing
The ancient art of Dowsing has been used for thousands of years. Surveyors use dowsing rods today to identify areas where there is underground water, something that is there but hidden from our sight. It's just one of many things around us that we are unable to see that affect our daily lives.
There are energetic factors in the spaces around us that can cause us to be out of balance, and we sub-consciously avoid spending time in the spaces where we are uncomfortable without even realising what's there....
Dowsing is an ancient technique that's been used for thousands of years to find 'hidden things'. When dowsing properties, I can reveal what hidden things are influencing you, allowing me to be able to clear the negative and allowing the positive to shine.

"Helping create a protected and grounded space, where other healing and meditative practices are able to work best"
- Eleyiah

So what are Geopathic Stress Lines?
The words 'Geopathic Stress' - simply mean earth suffering. It means in certain places there can be signs where the earth energy can impact us and our animals negatively and we start to see symptoms over a period of time in how we feel.
Geopathic Stress can be caused from a number of things, including nearby water (ocean, sea, lake, river or stream), underground water, perhaps there's a natural stream deep under your house, or natural caverns, to man made things nearer the surface such as tunnels, sewers, mine shafts and pipelines. These all impact the natural energy of the earth our property is on.
Geopathic Stress is one area where the negative impact is cleared as part of my dowsing service.
So what are Hartmann & Curry Lines?
Hartmann Lines were discovered by Dr. Ernest Hartmann in the 1960's. They are in the etheric field of the earth, and represent the flow of the earths magnetic field. They are located every 5 steps on the earth and before electricity was discovered, being on the cross points of these lines could give us positive energy.
With the introduction of electrical transmission lines, Hartmann Lines became negative. A negative Hartmann Line is where a Hartman Line and electricity meet. So if electrical power is right on or crosses the Hartmann Line it becomes negative for some distance. The power source can be as small as an outlet, or as large as a transformer. The greater the power of the electricity or electrical item, the more negative the results. A negative Hartmann Line has been described as being like a structure of radiation rising vertically from the ground like invisible radioactive walls.
Working or sleeping in these negative fields can deplete our immune systems and negatively impact or energy and health.

Electro-Magnetic Frequencies (EMF's)
Electro-magnetic frequencies have increased because of our daily exposure to the numerous communication devices we use today such as computers, cell phones, earbuds etc and due to the exposure from televisions, microwaves, household electrical equipment, cars, and fluorescent lighting and even hearing aids. The man-made electrical and electromagnetic stressors can have great repercussions on the health of an individual.
Any cable carrying electric current generates a magnetic field. The US Environmental Protection Agency stated in 1990, that ‘there is evidence of a positive association of exposure to magnetic fields with certain site specific cancers, namely leukemia, cancer of the central nervous system and to a lesser extent lymphomas’.
The electromagnetic resonances coming into one’s house, office or building via the electricity, telephone, water and gas mains, high voltage electrical transmission towers and satellite towers can also greatly affect the overall health of an individual over time. The pineal gland is the principal structure in the brain that is directly sensitive to the earth’s magnetic field. It will function abnormally when subject to frequencies close to its own. Because the pineal gland produces a host of psychoactive chemicals (such as melatonin, dopamine, serotonin and others), its abnormal functioning can cause neurological and behavioral problems.
I am currently working on an EMF project where I have been providing energetic protection for the local areas from the negative EMF's from Telecom Towers, TV Broadcasting masts, radio antenna's etc.
So what are Vortices & Portals?
A vortex is a strong electromagnetic mass of swirling energy that flows in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Vortices can be negative or positive in energetic value and are evidenced by an increasing swirling energy as compared to other areas on the earth.
A negative vortex becomes a drain, rotating in a counterclockwise direction, pulling energy down towards the earth. A negative vortex can often be felt in a home as a place where people feel uncomfortable, drained of energy, where there is clutter, or a place that is avoided. If it is in a bedroom it can affect sleep patterns and cause insomnia. Negative vortexes are often found in areas where the plumbing in a home drains into the earth.
A positive vortex rotates in a clockwise direction creating an upward flow of energy. A positive vortex in a home can be a place where people love to be, feel very comfortable and safe, feel creative and uplifted. It can be a place where people like to meditate or pray, and become introspective.
Through dowsing, a negative vortex can be neutralized or increased in energy level to become a positive vortex. A positive vortex can remain the same or be enhanced depending upon the needs of the residents of the home and property.
A portal is a doorway that spirits/entities can use to travel between dimensions. It is important to close negative portals to eliminate the ability for unwanted spirits to travel back and forth. When I detect these in a property, these are closed immediately to prevent any further havoc being caused.